Please tap "Data Backup / Restore" from the application setting screen. Then tap "Export data" and tap "File Export". After that, a screen to send the mail will be displayed, so enter the mail address and send it. Please make this e-mail address that can be received on the new model iPhone.
Next, do the operation with the new iPhone. Please download a new SmartRecord app with a new iPhone. Then launch SmartRecord and let's enter the initial data. After that, from the mail application, open the e-mail you sent earlier.
There should be a file written as SmartRecord at 2018_12_25.csv etc in the attached file. Tap this file to open it, the table screen will be displayed, please press the button on the upper right. And as you can see in the picture below, as you slide through the icons, there should be an icon "Copy to SmartRecord". If you tap here, selecting "Overwrite CSV file data" with SmartRecord application completes data migration.